

Installation of Skosprovider_sqlalchemy is easily done using pip.

$ pip install skosprovider_sqlalchemy

Creating a database

Since Skosprovider_sqlalchemy implements the SkosProvider interface with a relational database as a backend, you first need to create this database. To do this, please follow the instructions of your database software. If you’re working with SQLite, you don’t need to do anything.


Because Skosprovider_sqlalchemy uses SQLAlchemy as an ORM layer, it’s not tailored to any specific database. The codebase is continuously tested on both SQLite and PostgreSQL. Other databases are untested by us, but as long as they are supported by SQLAlchemy, they should work.

Once your database has been created, you can initialise it with the necessary database tables that will contain your SKOS vocabularies and concepts.

$ init_skos_db sqlite:///vocabs.db

Let’s have a look at what this script did.

$ sqlite3 vocabs.db
SQLite version 3.7.9 2011-11-01 00:52:41
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
collection_concept            conceptscheme_note
concept                       label
concept_hierarchy_collection  labeltype
concept_hierarchy_concept     language
concept_label                 match
concept_note                  matchtype
concept_related_concept       note
conceptscheme                 notetype
conceptscheme_label           visitation