Source code for skosprovider_sqlalchemy.providers

import logging

from skosprovider.providers import VocabularyProvider
from skosprovider.skos import Collection
from skosprovider.skos import Concept
from skosprovider.skos import ConceptScheme
from skosprovider.skos import Label
from skosprovider.skos import Note
from skosprovider.skos import Source
from skosprovider.uri import DefaultUrnGenerator
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import Collection as CollectionModel
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import Concept as ConceptModel
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import ConceptScheme as ConceptSchemeModel
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import Label as LabelModel
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import Match as MatchModel
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import Thing
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models import Visitation

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SQLAlchemyProvider(VocabularyProvider): ''' A :class:`skosprovider.providers.VocabularyProvider` that uses SQLAlchemy as backend. ''' _conceptscheme = None ''' The concept scheme, once it has been loaded. Should never be accessed directly. ''' expand_strategy = 'recurse' ''' Determines how the expand method will operate. Options are: * `recurse`: Determine all narrower concepts by recursivly querying the database. Can take a long time for concepts that are at the top of a large hierarchy. * `visit`: Query the database's :class:`Visitation <skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Visitation>` table. This table contains a nested set representation of each conceptscheme. Actually creating the data in this table needs to be scheduled. ''' def __init__(self, metadata, session, **kwargs): ''' Create a new provider :param dict metadata: Metadata about the provider. Apart from the usual id, a conceptscheme_id can also be passed. :param :class:`sqlachemy.orm.session.Session` session: The database session. This can also be a callable that returns a Session. ''' if not 'subject' in metadata: metadata['subject'] = [] self.metadata = metadata if 'uri_generator' in kwargs: self.uri_generator = kwargs.get('uri_generator') else: self.uri_generator = DefaultUrnGenerator(self.metadata.get('id')) try: self.session = session() except TypeError as e: self.session = session try: self.conceptscheme_id = int(metadata.get( 'conceptscheme_id', metadata.get('id') )) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'Please provide a valid integer for the conceptscheme_id.' ) if 'expand_strategy' in kwargs: if kwargs['expand_strategy'] in ['recurse', 'visit']: self.expand_strategy = kwargs['expand_strategy'] else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown expand strategy.' ) self.allowed_instance_scopes = ['single', 'threaded_thread'] @property def concept_scheme(self): if self._conceptscheme is None: self._conceptscheme = self._get_concept_scheme() return self._conceptscheme def _get_concept_scheme(self): ''' Find a :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme` for this provider. :param id: Id of a conceptscheme. :rtype: :class:`skosprovider.skos.ConceptScheme` ''' csm = self.session\ .query(ConceptSchemeModel)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .options(joinedload('notes'))\ .options(joinedload('languages'))\ .options(joinedload('sources'))\ .get(self.conceptscheme_id) return ConceptScheme( uri=csm.uri, labels=[ Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id) for l in csm.labels ], notes=[ Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup) for n in csm.notes ], languages=[ for l in csm.languages ], sources=[ Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in csm.sources ] ) def _from_thing(self, thing): ''' Load one concept or collection from the database. :param :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing` thing: Thing to load. ''' if thing.type and thing.type == 'collection': return Collection( id=thing.concept_id, uri=thing.uri if thing.uri is not None else self.uri_generator.generate(type='collection', id=thing.concept_id), concept_scheme=self.concept_scheme, labels=[ Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id) for l in thing.labels ], notes=[ Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup) for n in thing.notes ], sources=[ Source(s.citation, s.markup ) for s in thing.sources ], members=[member.concept_id for member in thing.members] if hasattr(thing, 'members') else [], member_of=[member_of.concept_id for member_of in thing.member_of], superordinates=[broader_concept.concept_id for broader_concept in thing.broader_concepts], infer_concept_relations=thing.infer_concept_relations ) else: matches = {} for m in thing.matches: key =['Match')] if not key in matches: matches[key] = [] matches[key].append(m.uri) return Concept( id=thing.concept_id, uri=thing.uri if thing.uri is not None else self.uri_generator.generate(type='concept', id=thing.concept_id), concept_scheme=self.concept_scheme, labels=[ Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id) for l in thing.labels ], notes=[ Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id, n.markup) for n in thing.notes ], sources=[ Source(s.citation, s.markup) for s in thing.sources ], broader=[c.concept_id for c in thing.broader_concepts], narrower=[c.concept_id for c in thing.narrower_concepts], related=[c.concept_id for c in thing.related_concepts], member_of=[member_of.concept_id for member_of in thing.member_of], subordinate_arrays=[narrower_collection.concept_id for narrower_collection in thing.narrower_collections], matches=matches )
[docs] def get_by_id(self, id): try: thing = self.session\ .query(Thing)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .options(joinedload('notes'))\ .options(joinedload('sources'))\ .filter( Thing.concept_id == int(id), Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id ).one() except NoResultFound: return False return self._from_thing(thing)
[docs] def get_by_uri(self, uri): '''Get all information on a concept or collection, based on a :term:`URI`. This method will only find concepts or collections whose :term:`URI` is actually stored in the database. It will not find anything that has no :term:`URI` in the database, but does have a matching :term:`URI` after generation. :rtype: :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection` or `False` if the concept or collection is unknown to the provider. ''' try: thing = self.session\ .query(Thing)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .options(joinedload('notes'))\ .options(joinedload('sources'))\ .filter( Thing.uri == uri, Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id ).one() except NoResultFound: return False return self._from_thing(thing)
def _get_id_and_label(self, c, lan): ''' :param skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing c: A concept or collection. :param string lan: A language (eg. "en", "nl", "la", "fr") ''' l = c.label(lan) return { 'id': c.concept_id, 'uri': c.uri, 'type': c.type, 'label': l.label if l is not None else None }
[docs] def find(self, query, **kwargs): lan = self._get_language(**kwargs) model = Thing if 'matches' in query: match_uri = query['matches'].get('uri', None) if not match_uri: raise ValueError( 'Please provide a URI to match with.' ) model = ConceptModel q = self.session\ .query(model)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .join(MatchModel)\ .filter(model.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id) mtype = query['matches'].get('type') if mtype and mtype in Concept.matchtypes: mtype += 'Match' mtypes = [mtype] if mtype == 'closeMatch': mtypes.append('exactMatch') q = q.filter( MatchModel.uri == match_uri, MatchModel.matchtype_id.in_(mtypes) ) else: q = q.filter(MatchModel.uri == match_uri) else: q = self.session\ .query(model)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .filter(model.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id) if 'type' in query and query['type'] in ['concept', 'collection']: q = q.filter(model.type == query['type']) if 'label' in query: q = q.filter( model.labels.any( LabelModel.label.ilike('%' + query['label'].lower() + '%') ) ) if 'collection' in query: coll = self.get_by_id(query['collection']['id']) if not coll or not isinstance(coll, Collection): raise ValueError( 'You are searching for items in an unexisting collection.' ) if 'depth' in query['collection'] and query['collection']['depth'] == 'all': members = self.expand( else: members = coll.members q = q.filter(model.concept_id.in_(members)) all = q.all() sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(all, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]
[docs] def get_all(self, **kwargs): all = self.session\ .query(Thing)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\ .all() lan = self._get_language(**kwargs) sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(all, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]
[docs] def get_top_concepts(self, **kwargs): # get the concepts that have no direct broader concept top = self.session\ .query(ConceptModel)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .filter( ConceptModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id, ConceptModel.broader_concepts == None ).all() # check if they have an indirect broader concept def _has_higher_concept(c): for coll in c.member_of: if coll.infer_concept_relations and (coll.broader_concepts or _has_higher_concept(coll)): return True return False top = [c for c in top if not _has_higher_concept(c)] lan = self._get_language(**kwargs) sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(top, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]
[docs] def expand(self, id): try: thing = self.session\ .query(Thing)\ .filter( Thing.concept_id == id, Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id ).one() except NoResultFound: return False if self.expand_strategy == 'visit': return self._expand_visit(thing) elif self.expand_strategy == 'recurse': return self._expand_recurse(thing)
def _expand_recurse(self, thing): ret = [] if thing.type == 'collection': for m in thing.members: ret += self._expand_recurse(m) else: ret.append(thing.concept_id) for n in thing.narrower_concepts: ret += self._expand_recurse(n) for n in thing.narrower_collections: if n.infer_concept_relations: ret += self._expand_recurse(n) return list(set(ret)) def _expand_visit(self, thing): if thing.type == 'collection': ret = [] for m in thing.members: ret += self._expand_visit(m) else: try: cov = self.session\ .query(Visitation.lft, Visitation.rght)\ .filter(Visitation.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\ .filter(Visitation.concept_id ==\ .one() except NoResultFound: return self._expand_recurse(thing) ids = self.session\ .query(Thing.concept_id)\ .join(Visitation)\ .filter(Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id)\ .filter(Visitation.lft.between(cov[0], cov[1]))\ .all() ret = [id[0] for id in ids] return list(set(ret))
[docs] def get_top_display(self, **kwargs): ''' Returns all concepts or collections that form the top-level of a display hierarchy. As opposed to the :meth:`get_top_concepts`, this method can possibly return both concepts and collections. :rtype: Returns a list of concepts and collections. For each an id is present and a label. The label is determined by looking at the `**kwargs` parameter, the default language of the provider and falls back to `en` if nothing is present. ''' tco = self.session\ .query(ConceptModel)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .filter( ConceptModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id, ConceptModel.broader_concepts == None, ConceptModel.member_of == None ).all() tcl = self.session\ .query(CollectionModel)\ .options(joinedload('labels'))\ .filter( CollectionModel.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id, CollectionModel.broader_concepts == None, CollectionModel.member_of == None ).all() res = tco + tcl lan = self._get_language(**kwargs) sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(res, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]
[docs] def get_children_display(self, id, **kwargs): ''' Return a list of concepts or collections that should be displayed under this concept or collection. :param id: A concept or collection id. :rtype: A list of concepts and collections. For each an id is present and a label. The label is determined by looking at the `**kwargs` parameter, the default language of the provider and falls back to `en` if nothing is present. If the id does not exist, return `False`. ''' try: thing = self.session\ .query(Thing)\ .filter( Thing.concept_id == int(id), Thing.conceptscheme_id == self.conceptscheme_id ).one() except NoResultFound: return False lan = self._get_language(**kwargs) res = [] if thing.type == 'concept': if len(thing.narrower_collections) > 0: res += thing.narrower_collections elif len(thing.narrower_concepts)>0: res += thing.narrower_concepts if thing.type == 'collection' and hasattr(thing, 'members'): res += thing.members sort = self._get_sort(**kwargs) sort_order = self._get_sort_order(**kwargs) return [self._get_id_and_label(c, lan) for c in self._sort(res, sort, lan, sort_order=='desc')]